Environmental Management

Environmental Activities

The company recognizes the importance of caring for and managing the environment and takes actions in line with the company's environmental policy set by board of directors as environmental practice guidelines (reviewed and approved by resolution from Board of Directors' Meeting No. 6/2561 on 26 December 2018, which became effective on 27 December 2018) as follows:

· The company manages the environment in line with the specifications of the law and all other related regulations.
· The company instills a sense of responsibility and environmental conservation continuously in personnel inside the organization.
· The company improves resource utilization for better effectiveness and efficiency.
· The company develops production processes and products to produce minimal environmental impacts while retaining product quality.
· The company strives to minimize waste, wastewater and air pollution potentially caused by production processes and aims to continuously prevent other environmental impacts.
· The company reviews and improves environmental management plans on a regular basis.
· The company supports and disseminates environmental management information to the public whenever possible.

The information on environmental management and activities in this report covers every business group of the company.