Creating Economic Value for Stakeholders

Economic Activities

In addition to generating profits for the benefit of the company and stakeholders, the company gives importance to corporate social and environmental responsibility activities aimed at sustainably creating economic value for stakeholders. The economic management and performance information in this report covers every part of the business of Textile Prestige (Public) Company Limited.

Creating Economic Value for Stakeholders

     The company operates by adhering to the principles of business ethics and building cooperation between the company and stakeholders in order to promote the company's performance and meet the basic needs of all stakeholders in addition to creating economic value for the same stakeholders as follows:


Stakeholders Economic Benefits
Shareholders • Dividends
Employees • Salaries, wages, and benefits
• Payments into provident fund
• Employee development spending
Communities • Amount of Support for Community Activities
• Percent of Locally-Sourced Employees
Suppliers,Sup-contractors • Operating expenses
Government Sector • Corporate income tax and local maintenance tax
• Property tax, special business tax and other taxes